Monday, April 08, 2013

prostate testimonial

Wonder why they didn't have the prostate on that list? I can only speak for myself because I no longer need to wake up in the middle of the night to take a whiz 3 - 5 times...and even when I did take a whiz, it seemed like my bladder still had something leftover. To be honest, I was afraid to go places during the day because I knew that I would get the urge to urinate at anytime. It was embarrassing to have to stop what I was doing and run to the bathroom all the time. Thank God for Anatabloc! Haven't had any of those symptoms for about a month now. I take two pills with every meal and I feel great. Cheers!

Diseases controlled by NF-kB

위암수술환자의 식생활

위암수술환자의 식생활 (건강칼럼) [2011-04-25 오전 9:58:00] 위암의 가장 근본적인 치료방법은 수술이다. 위암환자가 완치를 원하거나 생명연장을 원한다면 가능한 한 수술을 해야 한다. 수술은 위의 2/3 혹은 전체를 잘라내고 남은 위의 부분이나 식도를 소장과 연결하게 된다. 그러므로 위가 음식물을 담고 있는 창고역할이 없어지게 된다. 따라서 먹은 음식물이 소장으로 바로 내려가 소장이 갑자기 내려온 많은 양의 음식물을 감당하지 못하여 부작용이 생길 수 있고, 위의 일부가 남아있어도 수술시에 신경들이 잘려져 위의 운동기능이 떨어져 음식물을 제대로 내려보내지 못하는 경우가 생긴다. 그러므로 수술 후에는 음식을 조금씩 오래씹어 먹어야 하고, 한꺼번에 많은 양을 먹지 말고 조금씩 자주 먹어야 한다. 그리고 맵고 짠 자극적 음식이나 단음식이나 변비가 잘 생기는 음식을 피해야 한다. 또는 소화되기가 어려운 질긴 음식, 매우 딱딱한 것, 기름기 많은 음식등은 피해야 한다. 국이나 물은 음식과 함께 마시는 경우 음식물이 내려가는 속도가 빨라져 소화장애가 생기기 쉬우므로 식사중에는 많은 수분 섭취를 피하고 식후 30분이나 한 시간에 드시는 것이 좋다. 일반적으로 위의 2/3를 절제한 경우는 하루 6끼, 위 전체를 절제한 경우는 9끼정도를 드시는 것을 권한다. 날짜가 지나면서 적응이 잘 되어 식사량을 늘여도 무리가 없으면 식사횟수를 차츰 줄여 약 1년 후에는 하루 3-4끼를 먹을 수 있다. 중요한 것은 수술후 체중이 증가하는 것이다. 체중증가가 안되면 식사가 원활치 않은 것으로 보고 두유, 우유, 치즈, 계란, 두부, 수프류, 떡, 기타 영양보충음료등을 기호에 따라 간식으로 먹는 것도 좋다. 위수술 후 다음과 같은 식사와 관련된 문제점들이 생길 수 있다는 것을 알아두자 1) 덤핑증후군 : 많은 양의 음식이 갑자기 장으로 내려가면서 씩은 땀, 복통, 구토, 설사등이 나타나는 것. 2) 체중감소 : 위수술후 음식섭취의 부족, 소화흡수의 장애로 체중이 늘지 않고 오히려 감소하여 체력저하가 지속되는 것. 3) 설사 : 음식을 빨리 먹거나, 많이 먹거나, 기름기 많은 음식을 먹거나, 맵고 짠 음식, 찬음식, 불결한 음식을 먹었을 때 올 수 있다. 4) 역류성식도염 : 식사 후 바로 눕거나 자기 전 과량의 식사를 한 경우, 잘 씹지 않고 먹거나 커피를 많이 마시거나 흡연을 한 경우에 잘 생긴다. 5) 빈혈 : 수술 후 비타민 B12의 흡수불량으로 빈혈이 올 수 있다. 황 승 주 신천연합병원 호스피스·완화의료센터장 새오름호스피스 대표

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Benefits of nicotine

Benefits of Nicotine This is from a friend who met a lady from Ventura who produces a health newsletter...she met her at the Long Beach Health Expo recently: Benefits of Nicotine Yes, you read that right. And although you'll never find me lighting up - that disgusto smell and yellow teeth, no thank you! - I do now have more understanding about exactly why it's so hard to stop. Turns out nicotine has powerful healing properties. It all started about 8-9 years ago when I was researching gluten intolerance and found a very obscure study in which nicotine demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties on the gut. What does long term systemic inflammation lead to? Autoimmune compromisation. And isn't cancer an auto-immune disorder? The light bulb appeared and proceeded to smash itself on my head as I remembered the final year of my mother's life. A smoker since age 12 and then in her 70's, she had had a lung collapse. Her extended stay in the hospital had forced her to do what her kids had been begging and bullying her to do for years - end her 60+ year cigarette addiction. What a good thing! all us children said to one another, nodding our heads. Except that almost as soon as my mother arrived home from rehab her lifelong bowel issues (due to what I now believe was undiagnosed gluten intolerance) exploded into an emergency - bleeding from the rectum. No one, including her doctor, ever thought the two changes - quitting smoking and a bleeding gut - were related. Know what my mother died of shortly thereafter? A particularly virulent form of lung cancer. Now, unquestionably all those years of inhaling chemical-laden cigarette smoke did damage to my mother's lungs. What's debatable in my mind, though, is which did more damage - the chemicals the cigarette companies added to her tobacco or the smoke itself? The other question that niggles at the back of my mind is whether or not my mother would have had a few more years of life had she been able to continue to experience the effects of her anti-inflammatory nicotine. Let me ask you smokers something - ever get the desire to light up just after a meal? That is indicative of having just eaten a meal to which you're having an allergic reaction (was it gluten-or-pasteurized-dairy-laden, by any chance, oh say, pasta or pizza?). You crave the nicotine to help deal with the inflammatory responses your body is having to the food. How I Would Quit Smoking... Step One: Whenever someone comes to me for help with quitting smoking, I always tell them the first step is to: •Continue smoking, but switch to organic tobacco. This eliminates all those chemicals (up to 600!) added by the manufacturer to commercial cigarettes. You'll have to learn how to roll your own, but don't skip this first step - it's critical! We have to reduce your body's overall toxic load in order to reduce your cravings. Step Two: •Focus on changing the diet to eliminate any foods you may be having allergic responses to, the top two suspects being pasteurized dairy and gluten. (There are, of course, many more potential allergens, but that is a much longer discussion. Contact me for a consult for more information.) Reduce the amount of allergic responses you're having to food and you'll reduce the need to use nicotine to help heal the damage done by those allergic reactions. The stronger your body, the easier it will be to quit because your cravings will be less. Step Three: •Eat Real Foods with an emphasis on lots of calming saturated fats along with moderate amounts of animal protein to support the adrenal glands and reduce overall inflammatory responses. Add probiotics and lacto-fermented foods to soothe the gut. Step Four: •Once your health is stabilized, then start the process of cutting down on the number of cigarettes you smo